Local News
- Firefighters who battled Los Angeles fires now fighting for access to a drug to help them
- Retired Tennessee firefighters compete on reality show ‘The Amazing Race’
- SINTON FIRES: Investigators determine what started Tuesday’s devastating fires
- VIDEO: Roof collapses in northwest Las Vegas house fire
- Game-changing company creates underwater shredder to solve massive tech issue: ‘Will likely become the best practice’
National News
- VIDEOS: Pennsylvania water rescue ten minutes after call deemed ‘impressive’ by first responders
- Wildfire burns for fourth day as winds shift and more crews join in Florida
- Penalties for bad language? Proposed bill in Alabama would make it a crime to harass first responders
- 3 alleged Tesla attackers could face up to 20 years for Molotov cocktails
- Netflix releases documentary on Missouri’s 2011 EF5 tornado
Newsletter: Jan-March – 2018
Featured, NewsletterA large and information packed newsletter covering multiple months.
To download the newsletter please use this link or click the image below: 01.18Newsletter – 12.6mb .pdf
SCFMA: Upcoming Training at Rio Hondo Fire Academy – Jan 23rd
TrainingsTraining: Safe Fleet Mechanics Training Foam Pro. FRC and Elkhart Brass, February 8th
TrainingsWe are providing Safe Fleet training with Ryan Rollins, Dan Richardson and myself at Valley Power Systems for area Fire Department Mechanics.
It will be on maintenance, calibration, troubleshooting and repair. This is on Foam Pro and Turbo Foam systems, FRC Governors, Elkhart Brass monitors and valves.
February 8th. 9am -2PM with Lunch provided!!
Valley Power Systems North
855 Stillwater Rd
West Sacramento CA 95691
Please RSVP to 916-374-2904, Ernie Petrocelli
We look forward to seeing you.