Local News
- Firefighters who battled Los Angeles fires now fighting for access to a drug to help them
- Retired Tennessee firefighters compete on reality show ‘The Amazing Race’
- SINTON FIRES: Investigators determine what started Tuesday’s devastating fires
- VIDEO: Roof collapses in northwest Las Vegas house fire
- Game-changing company creates underwater shredder to solve massive tech issue: ‘Will likely become the best practice’
Recalls that might effect your fleet – 11/20
RecallsFA Viewpoints: Maintenance Challenges
NewsTwo articles from Fire Apparatus Magazine to take a look at:
Apparatus Maintenance Challenges: Four Factors &
Challenges to Minimizing Out-of-Service Times
Both located at this link: https://www.fireapparatusmagazine.com/2020/10/01/fa-viewpoints-maintenance-challenges/
Keeping It Safe: COVID-19: Going Forward
At the risk of “piling on,” here is another article about COVID-19. There are many lessons learned from this worldwide pandemic. Some of these lessons will change our way of living in many areas.
It has certainly expanded the meaning of “saving our own” as we are at considerable risk of becoming the customer while serving our customers. No doubt this will accelerate emerging processes such as doctor’s appointments via telemedicine/telehealth. The fire service could emerge as an extension of urgent care agencies, whether it be going to the patient or the patient coming to the fire station.
See the full article here: https://www.fireapparatusmagazine.com/2020/08/01/keeping-it-safe-covid-19-going-forward/